Bargaining has begun!

Let us know what you want to see in a new contract here.

Come to an info session March 3 at 4:30 p.m., Oaks 212

Our previous contract wins

  • Salary

    In the initial contract, our committee felt that the per semester hour base was too low in comparison to the pay for teaching 12 semester hours in the Fall or Spring (which also brings eligibility for medical benefits). So those paid on the per semester hour basis got a 4% raise, while those who taught 12 semester hours got a 3% raise, as did the Limited Term faculty.

    In addition, Private Lessons were raised by 6.5%, and University Accompanist and the Per Recital fees were raised by 4% to try to make up for past inequities.

    These initial raises took place on 6/1/22. In subsequent years, all pay increases for our unit were in accordance with Article 12, Compensation, Section B: "the base rate of pay for Employees serving as Limited Term faculty will be increased by the amount equivalent to the salary pool as determined by the University."

    The Salary Pool is a percentage amount which is divided into cost of living and merit increases for nonunion employees. Union employees receive the combined percentage.

    In 2023, that percentage was 4%, and in 2024, it was 3%.

    Thus, a per semester hour faculty member was paid $1,422 per semester hour prior to the CBA. They got 4% in 2022 = $1,479, 4% in 2023 = $1,538 and 3% in 2024 = $1,584.14. (Whoever calculated the 2024 increase did not round off, hence the cents).

    The faculty on the 12 semester hours in Fall or Spring category were paid $25,392 before the CBA. The CBA raise for them was 3% in 2022 = $26,154, 4% in 2023 = $27,200 and 3% in 2024 = $28,016.

    Limited Term faculty receive double the above for a full-year contract.

    Private Lessons were paid at $306 before the contract. They got a 6.5% increase in 2022 = $326, 4% in 2023 = $339, and 3% this year (again not rounded) = $349.17.

    Accompanist was paid $31.62 before the contract. They got 4% in 2022 = $32.88, 4% in 2023 = $34.20 and 3% in 2024 = $35.23

    The per recital fee was $390.35 pre contract . It increased 4% with the CBA in 2022 = $405.96, 4% in 2023 = $422.20 and 3%in 2024 = $434.87.

    Retirees were paid $7,234 per 4 semester hour course pre contract. They are now paid $8,078.29.

    Faculty Emeritus were paid $8,680 per 4 semester hour course pre contract. They got 3% with the CBA = $8,940, 4% in 2023 = $9,298 and 3% in 2024 = $9,576.94.

  • Job Security

    Course Assignments and Cancellations

    Provides that, except for certain specified situations, the University will give good faith consideration to faculty member(s) who have been employed a certain number of semesters to teach that course again.

    If a course is cancelled sets procedures for the University to provide alternate responsibilities with no effect on compensation, if accepted by the faculty member. If no such offer is made there is a cancellation payment of 15% if the course is cancelled within 2 weeks of the start of the semester.

    Ends the practice of automatically limiting the time in which a faculty member can remain at full time benefit eligible pay.

    Discipline and Discharge

    Can only be for just cause – meaning the Employer has the responsibility for proving accusation with evidence (‘innocent until proven guilty’).

    The university agrees to comply with “Weingarten Rights” under National labor law (similar concept to Miranda rights). Anyone being questioned about something that could lead to discipline has the right to request Union representation at the time.

    Personnel files

    Faculty has absolute right to review personnel file including making photocopies twice per year (or upon request for a specific reason).

    Grievance and Arbitration Procedure

    Formal process for settling disputes about violations of the Union Contract. Includes time limits and Union representation at each step with written answers.

    If the Union and the Administration cannot agree on a particular issue, provides for arbitration in most cases where both sides present their position to a neutral third party for a decision.

  • Faculty Inclusion

    Professional Development Fund

    Provides $11,000 per academic year to be allocated to adjunct faculty represented by the Union for “Support of Teaching,” for example, attendance at conferences, in grants of up to $700 per employee per academic year. Administered by Provosts Office on a first come first served basis. You must have worked 6 consecutive semesters to apply. Click here to apply.


    With the approval of the Associate Provost supervising Undergraduate Research, adjunct faculty members are able to serve as a student’s undergraduate research (499) mentor. All adjunct faculty members are eligible to serve as the mentor for a Spring Undergraduate Research Forum (SURF) project.